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Serving the NJ Shore & Monmouth County NJ

Long Branch NJ Pier Village Parking

Long Branch NJ Parking

Updated June 2023


Long Branch Parking Sign

long branch pay stationTo pay for parking in Long Branch Pier Village, you can either use the  flowbird app or pay at a pay station. There are no parking spot numbers, just zones.

After parking vehicle, note license plate number. Pay at pay station or on flowbird app.

No need to display ticket on dash. You can extend the time with the flowbird app.


Here is everything you need to know about parking in Long Branch NJ Pier Village.

Parking is FREE in Pier Village from October 1 – April 30th

May 1 thru Sept. 30 the parking fee is as follows:

Monday – Thursday : $2 per hour

Friday – Sunday & Holidays – $3 per hour.

You only need to pay for parking from 10AM to Midnight.

You can pay at one of the pay stations throughout Pier Village with exact change, MasterCard or VISA.

No need to display your ticket on your dashboard.

Here is information about close by public parking

ParkMe Parking


Park America



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Judy Collan

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